Originally Posted By: Roger
TVersity seems to be working OK for me on Windows 2008, but I've only tried photos and MP3 audio so far. What formats are you attempting to use?

Tversity works fine if we're talking about playing movies off of a hard disk. For instance, I've got some Doctor Who episodes on a hard disk that TVersity streams perfectly to my Playstation 3.

It's only when I try to use TVersity's features for streaming internet video to the PS3 that is messes up. For example, when you install TVersity, it comes built-in with episodes of Jericho, MacGyver, and Star Trek. You can also point it at a given Youtube account (for instance, I pointed it at youtube user sweetafton23). The PS3 lists the episodes and/or youtube videos, and even pulls down thumbnail pictures of each one. It's only after I select one of them to play that it says "The Data is Corrupted".

The status screen of the TVersity server appears to be trying to transcode them (as it should... FLV to MPG), and the transcoding seems to be progressing, but then it stalls out when the PS3 errors out.

I'm trying to get help from their forum, but so far nothing useful.
Tony Fabris