You're still making the baseless argument that the government will be your healthcare provider. Yes, there may (or may not) be an insurance company that "is" the government, but it is only one of many.

Originally Posted By: maczrool
I have worked for a health clinic in the past and saw first hand that patients without insurance (some so poor they couldn't afford the trip there) routinely received care for very expensive diseases inluding cancer and HIV without regard for ability to pay.

That's great. Was anyone being treated, for, for example, pneumonia? Do you think that the common cold or flu that that developed from would have been easier to treat and less dangerous to both the patient and the people around him or more difficult and more dangerous?

And what about those people that really couldn't afford the trip that never got there at all, but could have gotten to their local hospital that doesn't have a free clinic?

Originally Posted By: maczrool
It makes no sense to throw out something that the vast majority of US citizens are satisfied with

Ignoring for a second Tony's point that the vast majority are not satisfied, what is your basis for saying that the current system is being "thrown out"? As far as actual insurance coverage, all that's being done is providing group health insurance for people who can't currently get any.
Bitt Faulk