Originally Posted By: Dignan
Are you saying that there are no Windows users out there who use iPods and want to watch this event? I'd bet there are.

I'm not saying that. There are likely plenty of people in Windows land, or even Linux land, Android land or whatever that want to watch it. And there isn't a solution that would work for 100% of the people. If this was the only way to get the information, I'm sure Apple would have put much more effort into making sure it could be seen. But it wasn't the only way. Thousands of bloggers around the world are busy writing up articles and posting them. Hundreds of news organizations are doing the same. And of course even Apple was busy creating new content for Apple.com detailing everything talked about. Part of that will even be a standards based H.264 file download of the entire event.

Always remember Apple is a very focused and streamlined company. They are going to do the minimum amount of effort for the most amount of impact, instead of trying to cover every possibility along the way. They will also always use their own technology above any other, just like many other companies. Last I checked, Microsoft still only offers streams of their events in wither Windows Media formats meant to be streamed to IE and Windows Media, or more recently to Silverlight platforms. That doesn't cover 100% either. And nor does Flash.

As for the repeated smug and koolaid comments, well, clearly nothing said in the past has really altered anyones opinions here even with engineers of the company explaining the situation. Guess I should start calling Google people smug for being happy with what works for them, and koolaid drinkers for being excited about Android and GMail and Chrome OS and whatever new thing comes from them.

I'll go through the rest of the event later to figure out what was actually announced. Been a busy day at the office, and was pulled away right around the time iTunes 10 was announced. I'm guessing it's not a major rewrite like I was hoping for from what I saw so far.