I was thinking more about it today, and quite frankly there was quite a bit Apple didn't say about the AppleTV. If I'm left to assume, as I am, then I assume that the new AppleTV will behave exactly like the old TV when connecting to a secondary iTunes library. The primary library can sync with the old AppleTV, but while you can add additional libraries, those computers have to be on and iTunes running in order for the AppleTV to see them.

While this might not be a problem for us geeks, who probably always have our computers turned on, this will most certainly be a problem for people like my mom, who uses her AppleTV almost exclusively as a device to play music and slideshows, and usually has her computer turned off. Steve talked about how people don't want to sync with their computers, implying that the new way will be simpler. To me, this only adds to the complication of the device for users like my mom.