Catching back up to all the news today (and apologies for the snarky attitude earlier towards the smug and koolaid references, while they do get old, i've just been in a really weird mood this week with work).

Buttons back on the Shuffle was a good move. It does show Apple pays attention to the sales numbers closely, and is willing to reverse course when needed.

The new Nano seems interesting, but odd new touch gestures there to navigate it. Will be interesting to try one out and actually see how it works in person.

The touch was pretty much what people expected, and is usually pretty easy to predict since it follows the new iPhone in July.

iTunes 10, WTF is up with the close minimize and zoom buttons going vertical even in normal view mode? Also, looks like they took out color from most of the interface, going to a graphite look everywhere. And it still will cause video playback to stutter a bit when an iPhone is plugged into the system. Hopefully iTunes 11 will do something about that.

Also not sure what to think about Ping. Having never used or even looked at much at all, not really familiar with the concept.

The new AppleTV doesn't interest me a ton currently, but it will depend on what they do with the old unit (if anything). AirPlay would be nice for video, and I have been pondering a Netflix subscription. The existing AppleTV I have though seems more capable then the new unit though, especially with the hackability. Currently it plays all my DVD rips off my ReadyNAS Ultra, due to the ease of having it run DVD