Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
(...)with the result that our electric bill was staggering -- $52.94 for the two month billing period, or something over twenty six dollars a month.

Oh Doug, believe me, it can be much, much worse. Having prices like yours would actually make me smile. (I know this is not much help to you, but just to put this into perspective)

In Belgium, they have just announced the seventh (!) increase in the price of electricity in the last 18 months. A "normal" electrical bill for an average household (= 4000 to 5000 kWh/year) is now 200 euro/month easily. When I look at my electrical bill now, only about 1/3 of it is the actual cost of electricity, the rest is pure taxes.

It's for this reason two years ago I put photovoltaic panels on my roof, enough to produce my entire yearly need for electricity. So you would figure my total electrical cost would be 0 euro, right? Wrong of course! It was like that for the first year, but then our resourceful government changed the system with a draw of the pen and implemented a "grid power injection" tax on the inverter of my PV system: 75 euro/year/kVA (+ VAT). My inverter is a 10 kVA model, so that's 750 euro x 21% vat = 907 euro/year = 75 euro/month for electricity which I'm producing myself, and of which the government uses the surplus for free (in other words, I don't receive anything for the electricity I produce and don't consume myself).
How's that for fair?

Because of these 7 increases in the electricity prices/taxes, I'm now paying...about the same amount/month I was paying BEFORE I put that 20.000 euro installation on top of my roof. (of course, without it, I would be paying a lot more even). It's mind boggling!

When I planned the PV installation, I had calculated that in about 8 years time I would be break-even (because I wouldn't be paying any electricity anymore). Now, with these extra taxes, it will take me 17 years. And if I add to this the fact that an inverter normally lasts about 10 years before it will need to be replaced (cost : +/- 2200 euro - at this time) there's hardly any "free" electricity for me left, considering a normal PV installation lasts about 20 years. If they keep increasing or inventing new taxes like they've been doing for the last 18 months, I will never even reach break-even before my PV installation is at the end of its lifetime.

Governments... the most unreliable partners you can imagine.
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