Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
Originally Posted By: BartDG
So you were more or less forced to go the Pro route. Which is probably what their intention was in the first place.
And is why I no longer use CrashPlan. They abandoned me (as of October 22) so I abandoned them in return.


And fair enough you make that decision. I wouldn't say they are forcing anything. It is still a puzzling decision and probably brought on by abuse of Unlimited as much as anything. I do think the fact they won't offer pro-rata refunds is a bit rubbish for a service that is intended to be an ongoing thing. There's no point in backing up anything on the last day of your plan is there?

I had the Family plan which I paid 12 months for only recently so I still have some 9 months paid left to use. That cost me $149 for a year. In reality I really only *need* to back up one machine (my NAS) as long as I sort out something else to back everything else up to it. As a result I will most likely end up paying $120/year i.e. less.

I also have about 5 or 6 years of history with them so if I go elsewhere all that backup history is completely lost.

The loss of the P2P is annoying but also I presume I can't back up to a local disk either? I backnup on the NAS on a spare drive I have out of the array so basically it's a high speed backup for everything and the cloud backup is the "house burns down" or "lightning strikes house" backup.
#40104192 120Gb (no longer in my E36 M3, won't fit the E46 M3)