I'm not into 'arab bashing', but they are some of the most fanatical people in the world. except neo-nazis and other extremist groups.
I have seen doco's where arab parents say they would gladly send thier own childeren out with bombs strapped to them if it would aid thier cause. These people are prepared to go to extreme lengths to put their point across. They believe absolutely in martyrdom. In the recent suicide bombings, the faces of the bombers were posted as a hero in their home town.

I don't believe that Bin Laden was directly responsible but troops he trained did this act. The Afghani Taliban regiem did not directly allow this, in their own way both parties are responsible. Bin Laden for issuing the Fatwah in the first place, giving permission to extremists to take these sort of actions.
But again where do you draw the line. Is the US in some way responsible by the same logic for training Bin Laden? I'ts a mess. The only real solution I see is the prosecution and extermination of any people who DIRECTLY assisted in this act.

Death by paper cuts might be suitable. This was a highly planned and thought out attack. Even finding a direct culprit will not ease this sorrow.

I know many others have noticed this, there isn't a single BBS that hasn't mentioned this catastrophe.

I made a conscious descision in a semi-conscious state
-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?