I am getting an entry "empeg_no" instead of "empeg_notify" and it doesn't contain anything. I'm getting the serial output, though... Maybe the serial output is different?

here's a sample of the serial output..

serial_notify_thread.cpp: 116:@@ N0
serial_notify_thread.cpp: 117:@@ F0xef10
serial_notify_thread.cpp: 118:@@ TThose Damned Blue Collar Tweekers
serial_notify_thread.cpp: 119:@@ APrimus
serial_notify_thread.cpp: 120:@@ GModern Rock
serial_notify_thread.cpp: 180:@@ #ef10 0:00:00
serial_notify_thread.cpp: 170:@@ S0

And my /proc directory with v84 installed..

1 48 cpuinfo empeg_power ide meminfo slabinfo
16 49 devices empeg_rds interrupts misc stat
19 5 dma empeg_state ioports mounts swaps
2 7 empeg_cs4231 empeg_therm kcore net sys
21 audio empeg_id empeg_usb kmsg partitions tty
3 bus empeg_ir filesystems loadavg scsi uptime
4 cmdline empeg_no fs locks self version

Edited by yn0t_ (26/12/2001 22:10)
- Tony C
my empeg stuff