Can you *please* tease us with a screen grab from the Empeg? Pretty please???

OK, here are the teasers. Sorry if there are a bit fuzzy. I am not aware of any way to get screen grabs when the player is not running so you get blurry photos instead...

One: this is a shot of the picker screen that comes up when you first turn it on so you can select which mode you want. "Player and GPS" is the normal mode. "GPS" is where Kim has hidden various debug screens and the map screen. You can also select just "Player" if you don't need the nav software.

Two: once it is running you get a screen like this with the current street overlayed on top of the empeg display which is vertically compressed to make everything fit. IIRC the street info toggles with your current speed.

Three: pressing the nob button gets you into the GPS system which shows you your heading. The graph in the back plots your speed over time.

Four: pressing the up/down buttons takes you through the various options allowing you to plot routes, edit the configuration (enable/disable audio hints, etc), etc.

Five: searching for a route is done in a similar manner to searching for a song on the empeg or an address on many cellphones. You spin the nob to select a group of letters ('abc','def', etc) and it does a fuzzy search narrowing your options as it goes. After you determine the street you enter the actual address. Searching seems to be reasonably quick although I have not done if for a route of more than a few miles. The software also remembers previous routes so you can access them again without going through this step.

Six: once you have a route plotted the main screen is updated with a direction/distance indicator. I just noticed this feature, I am assuming it is telling you what distance to head and how far you have to go.

Seven: a more advanced view of the main screen shows current speed, distance to destination, approximate arrival time, destination, distance to your next turn, and the direction you will be turning in.

That is it for the main screens. Keep in mind that there are also voice prompts to reinforce what the screens are showing you (1km to destination, turn left, calculating route, etc). The player continues to play music as you go through these screens, plot routes, etc. The music is hushed when the nav system is doing voice feedback.

Next comes the debug type screens that come up if you choose not to boot into the player combo mode. You get the same screens from above for selecting routes and otherwise configuring things plus a few extras...

One: here you have speed, bearing, longatude, latitude, and some other stuff that I am not familiar with.

Two: long and lat again along with x and y coordinates (are these x and y on the map?) temperature and what I assume is number of sattelites in "view".

Three: another debug screen, this one includes the name of the street you are currently on.

Four: and finally your basic moving map. This is not the most useful thing in the world on this small of a display, but it is cool. I have suggested to Kim that some visual hints on this map would help a lot such as an arrow pointing in the direction of your next turn next to the intersection where you need to turn.

That is basically it. There are a few other configuration screens that I did not bother with pics of. In simple terms, it is cool, it works, it makes the world a better place :-)

EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration