I am not really familiar with the Tiger file format and frankly my experience is more on the GPS side and less on the vehicle navigation side of the problem. Has anyone looked at the Garmin map database, available from Radio Shack and others for $150, for the US. I don't know what the level of detail is or the format.

On a related subject, can anyone give me an idea of what it would take to accept a stream of NMEA $GPRMC sentences on the Rio/Empeg serial port and display position, velocity and time on the RIO/Empeg. This is ASCII data and requires very little formatting to be useful though some units conversion would be helpful (knots to MPH or KPH).

I think that this would be a great first step and would help build further interest in this project as well as allow preliminary testing of GPS installation in cars. I appologize if this has already been covered but I didn't see it while looking through the board threads.

Sorry, but double carraige returns don't seem to show up in my posts!


Edited by ellweber (16/01/2002 18:11)