Hey genius... Were your parents born in America? How about their parents? Their parents? I can't imagine you're more than three or four generations from someone who CAME OVER TO AMERICA ON A FUCKING BOAT. Just like the people who you want to keep out.

Would you agree that the Statue of Liberty is a symbol of American values? Well, the inscription on that most recognizable of American landmarks reads "Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." Well, mister, your family was at one time among those huddled masses who came over to this country, and if it weren't for America being open to immigrants, you'd be somewhere else, probably trying to keep everyone who doesn't look or talk like you out of THAT country like the closed-minded simpleton you are.

Look I was born in the US too, and I love America. America in many ways has been a great example to the world. Democracy in its truest form was born here, and America became as strong as we are by letting people with new, fresh ideas in. This country was built on the backs of people who weren't born here, but who realized what America stood for. By your intolerant comments, it's clear you have not the slightest idea what America really stands for.

Of course it's a privelege for anyone to immigrate to another country, and a VAST majority of American immigrants earn that privelege by being productive, law abiding citizens. The twenty cocksuckers who hijacked the planes on 9/11, and their maybe hundred or two hundred accomplices don't change that fact. Using 9/11 as an excuse to be intolerant towards immigrants goes against everything that made America country great.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff