"What is bad is use of any religion in political purposes." - bonzi

What about devil worshipers? They like murder. Should laws against murder be thrown out?

All laws are created on the beliefs of the people that created them. To say that a person in politics shouldn't do what they feel is right is just ridiculous.

Man, do you read what you write!? What law forbids is murder, not devil worshiping, and it should stay that way. If your AG happened not to be Christian, but of some other religion, would it still be OK for him to 'do what he feels is right', and not what Constitution and law say? Are 'persons in politics' above law? Always, or only if of the right faith? Should Americans only apoint Christian Attorneys General? If so, how is that different from, say, Iran?
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue