All that I am trying to say is that we can't let people who hate America into the country.

See, this is the same frickin thing you did with the original debate over "the future of Empeg." You come out and say all this ignorant, negative crap, and then you try to back off your points when confronted with realities of the situation.

What you originally said, AND I QUOTE, was that "any foreign GUESTS should be sent home." Now you just want to keep the ones who hate the country out? Come on, chief. Stick to your guns or admit you're wrong... Don't try to backpedal and slther out of it. That's just weak.

NOBODY on this BBS would want somoene who truly hates their country to enter their borders. However, the kind of intolerance you showed in your earlier posts goes way beyond a simple desire to protect against threats, and shows you have hate towards anyone who doesn't look like you, act like you, and share your beliefs. Save that garbage for your next Ku Klux Klan meeting, will ya?
- Tony C
my empeg stuff