Just got my new Zaurus SL-5600. How cool is this thing. A linux distro right on my PDA. So I started playing around and adding applications. Flashing the ROM to some unsupported version - you know all the things a geek does with a new toy.

While starting up a newly added game the LCD background is set to black for the first time and.... What's This?.... A DEAD PIXEL!!! Right in the middle of the screen!

Now that I know it's there my eyes are hopelessly drawn to it every time I look at the thing! Now I just get angry every time I try to use it.

Goodby new friend, sorry it had to be this way. Back to Amazon you go.

Including my laptop I'm now 2 for 2 with LCD's having a dead pixel(s).

So now I'm reading all of these perfectly deplorable return policies that the LCD vendors (all of them mind you) have setup in order to protect themselves from standing behind their products. My favorite being: 10 or more multi-colored, non-white, pixels that rest in an area no larger than 10 inches and no closer than 2 inches to any side. Are they kidding???

Now I'm all for the betterment of technology and the preservation of my vision, but shouldn't it be paramount that the product actually work??? Obviously it's too much 'quality control' to look at the screen before it ships.

Sorry for the rant.