iToo got an iBook (last week) and love it.

I still use my iBM Thinkpad running Win2K, but must say that I enjoy using the iBook much more. Now I'm searching for a good wireless, multi-button mouse for it, since I have never liked the touch pad controls (nor the single button in the case of the iBook). I'm hoping an airport card which supports bluetooth and 801.11b will be introduced, followed by an optical, four button w/ scroll, bluetooth mouse. Any hardware developer's listening?

Two questions for the mac experts out there --

(1) What is the best way to backup my 30G iBook hard drive? Could I use a 20G iPod to do a selective backup, and then use the remaining space on the iPod to store its music files? How about an external firewire DVD burner? Any recommendations?

(2) What is the best GPS hardware and software to run on my iBook? After the Cincinnati meet I have got the GPS bug, and am looking for something which I can use to guide me to the next meet.

Thanks in advance for the help!