Still got your empeg?

You know what some fucker did to it the other day?


Fuckinī keyed it.

Oh man, thatīs f.ucked up.

Tell me about it. Ihad the goddamn thing in storage three years. Itīs out five fuckinī days-five days, and some dickless piece of s.hit fucks with it.

They should be fuckinī killed. No trail, no jury, straight to execution.

I just wish I caught īem doinī it, ya know? Oh man, Iīd give anything to catch īen doinī it. Itīa been worth him doinī it, if I coulda just caught īem, you know what I mean?

What a fucker!

Itīs chicken s.hit. You donīt f.uck another womanīs empeg.


Itīs just against the rules.