If not, then in a month or so the police will be at her door with arrest warrants for all the unpaid traffic violations the thief ran up in her name.

Even though the credit cards were recovered, you need to have then all cancelled and re-issued. The thieves have enough information about you now to go on an internet spending spree with just those numbers.

God I hope the bitch is stupid enough to get pulled over in that area and use my license. It would most likely be recognised (unusual last names can be a good thing). I want my [censored] backpack and wallet back.

The credit cards were all cancelled within a half hour of it happening. I spend too much time looking at other peoples credit reports to not have some paranoia about that. I also watched what happens when someone buys a new car with no money down using a medical insurance card and a drivers licence (all you need, your SSN is usually on your insurance ID card). Experian, Trans Union, and Equifax were all notified that day to look for any inquiries. The only people I didn't call immediately was voicestream. Someone was dumb enough to use the phone, which is what I was hoping for. I'm not being held responsible for those calls either.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony