Based on your other posts, I wouldn't have pegged you as a girly-girl. You're confusing me.

Even after the whining about breaking nails during install?

Anyway, you're not the first, and won't be the last. The personality and the appearance don't exactly match. Most of the VW's I sold were over the phone or via email, so I'd see a lot of men with thoroughly confused looks on their face when they walked into my office. One guy George thought it was a joke. He went and asked like 4 people if that really was the girl on the phone, as it took about 4 months to find him a car we spoke often. He wasn't expecting a girly girl either.

The new boss is confused also. Since I was hired as eye candy (less than 3 minute interview before the job offer, no resume, no references, told the guy with the first desk by the door to move so I could sit there, and a whole lot of other unusual circumstances), he was surprised by the fact that I insisted on a stick shift for a demo (got a CTS, butt ugly, but so sweet to drive). Was even more dumbfounded to find out I was actually competent at my job too.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony