MAN. Purse AND empeg at once. If your wallet was in there, i can't imagine a worse feeling...

Wallet, car keys, cell phone, everything I had on me except my cigarettes.

Two suburban gangstas driving a yellow IS 300. They weren't after cash. This was entertainment.

However, the good news is they mugged the wrong person (I know pretty much every cop in Scarsdale) and did so right in front of a security camera that had just been installed, that no one remembered existed until about 4 or 5 hours later. The owner of the car was arrested in the middle of the night last night (in a very noisy fashion that woke the entire neighborhood I'm told).

Mom and Dad are very proud of little junior. He's on probation. Since there were two of them involved, and there were injuries involved, to both my friend Mike and I (very minor), it's a C felony. He'll most likely get to enjoy that fine involuntary butt lovin' our prisons are famous for. He finally turned over on his friend this afternoon, and I just got back from identifying the second one.

Hopefully the stuff will turn up (it wasn't in any dumpster within 2 miles, they were all searched yesterday afternoon) since they're searching the second kids house now. The purse and all of it's contents are worth over $4000, so search warrants weren't a problem. I'm actually feel better in my situation than yours, since I'm sure no mugging is ever this thoroughly gone over unless it's a cops friend or relative, even in a place like that where cops generally do nothing but hand out speeding tickets and bust kids for drinking.

I just really want my stuff back. Almost all of it was discontinued (phone, bag, wallet, empeg). And I hate the DMV.

The worst part about it was I was having a really great day up until that point.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony