That's fantastic, Heather. So glad to know that they caught the perps. That's one piece of "closure" that many victims never get. I'm very happy for you.

Good luck on recovering your stuff.

The empeg has been recovered. I can't have it back yet, but it's safe and sound and powers up fine. As a matter of fact, most of it was recovered. Except the girly things like the purse, wallet(credit cards were found, drivers licence is gone), mirror, phone (it's pink with hello kitty and hearts on the face, no man wants that). Which means one of their girlfriends has it, or one of them is secretly a drag queen.

I'm sure none of this would have been done if I didn't give the cops all that free food for a few years.

By the way, what was the original price of the 60Gb model?

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony