i noticed yesterday that one of my tags aren't capitalized right (Dj instead of DJ). i guess the tests doesn't check for capitalization changes.

Well, the windows filesystem is case insensitive, even under cygwin. So if you only change capitalization, mp3tofid will still be able to open the file, and conclude it did not change. But if you edit the id3 tag inside the file as well, the modification date ought to change, and mp3tofid would notice. Perhaps your id3 tag editor resets the modification date after its change?

can't wait til ignore as child

I know what you mean. The other day, my player randomly played a 0db sine wave off my test cd ...

and "other" file types gets implemented

Which other types in particular? WMA is out, because of its closed nature. OGG and FLAC should be possible, I guess.
