welcome back from asia btw. how was the trip?

as for rsync... i'm content w/ 2.3.2. don't really see a problem with it, and i was able to speed up the upload of a slightly modified mp3 file (id3 tag mods) by putting the checksum block size to 100000 bytes. it minimizes the transmittion of checksums/packets.

i was wondering if it would be possible to "import" a current fid/file structure on the empeg. there is a bug that got me by surprise. mp3tofid segfaults when you change operating systems (xp to 2k in my case). i deleted everything EXCEPT the mp3tofid association file, and still segfaulted. finally gave up, deleted the mp3tofid file, and started anew. but my point is... if you took all the tag files (______1) from the empeg, couldnt you parse them and rebuild the associations, depending on the fact that the import_location field is filled (mp3tofid and jemplode use that field and emplode seems to have omitted it). the only limitation is in windows based systems that used jemlode, you'd have to convert "c:\" to "/cygdrive/c".

speaking of jemplode, i'd really like to be able to have the hash value of an mp3 calculated and put into the tag file just like jemplode. i know that you don't use jemplode... but i use it to do the stuff that mp3tofid can't do (yet).