First I had to create the /usr/local/ and local/bin drectory....
D'oh. The install script checks to see if /usr/local/bin exists and if not, it creates it... but I forgot that /usr/local may not exist which causes it to fail to create /usr/local/bin.

Also my empeg freezes when i try to write something to ttsd..
Maybe a future version will be better, for now, you have to manually pause it before having it speak. I should have said something about that.

And then tried to use the same installation folder as before. But the startupscript wasnt left in the installation folder. So that never got installed again..
Right now, the installer isn't very smart about recovering from errors... if something goes wrong during install, it doesn't know how to pick up from there and continue installing. That's on the todo list.
--The Amigo