About Nader..... I thought he got like 13 percent in the candidate election?.... Wasnt it like a boom because he got alot more votes than he was "supposed" to??.

So did Perot in I guess it was 92, and he didn't capitalize on it either. It's just a matter of whether the left or the right feels discontented this particular election year.

And why dont you guys respect him?
I speak only for me when I say I think he made his name beating on GM over the Corvair, and hasn't done anything particularly commanding of respect since.

How come an Amarican like yourself know about Göran?.... Its not like i live in the biggest country in Europe..=)

Aside from the U.S. I've spent more time in Sweden (about 3 weeks) than all other countries I've been in combined (a few hours in Canada and 2 days in the U.K.). If it were a larger country I might know the leadership anyhow but in this case I guess I pay attention because I have friends there.

His name is sort of etched in my mind since one day on the T-bana I read an article about him in the Metro. (Well, "read" in the sense that I got the gist of it from my almost useless Swedish vocabularly).