I am really hoping to find someone to output the song info out the serial line. How many people on this BBS are capable of such things?

Not too many on an official capacity since the player is closed. But, in theory, a program could be written to capture the existing serial output, do a lookup to a CSV stored database on the empeg, then spit this out the real serial port. If I had an empeg again, I might be able to work something to do this, but I'm currently empegless (and missing it badly). This solution requires a modification of the init file, and the developer image loaded.

As far as visualations, I'd love to see some new ones that use the color capacity of the TV and LCD's. If I want one of Toby's, I can still use the empeg, since it will be docked below the LCD.

And a 1.5 or 2 DIN slot Mark III with an LCD screen would be awesome. Hopefully in time, empeg will get more money and such to develop such a cool toy. It would definitly require a new mainboard, and so far, the existing boards for all of the empeg products are pretty much minor mods to the origional board (Makes perfect sense since they need to get estlablished before branching out to major things).