What program are you using for V2 tagging? I can't find any decent program to do it.I use MP3 Tag Studio to get the filenames right (I wrote to Magnus and the next version is going to support ID3v2. Not sure of a release date, though. He mentioned the possibility of August.), then I use
MP Tagger to name the files based on the filenames. Kind of a long process this way, but it works. The downside to MP Tagger is that the "mass" setting of files doesn't work very well. Let me restate that differently, since it does work, but it has trouble handling A LOT of files/directories at once. What I normally do it select an artist's folder and have it change the subfolders and files in there. That seems to work without any problems. If I select too many, the program crashes. I haven't tried changing multiple artists to see just how many I can do at once, though. All I know is that changing 60 main directories containing over 200 subdirectories does NOT work.

As I said, it's not the best program (well, come to think of it, yeah, it IS the best program... right now), but it gets the job done for ID3v2 tags.
For setting the catagories and years and all, I use
MP3-Info Extension, since it does nice work for setting everything inside a subdirectory with one particular catagory or year. It takes a bit of experimenting to figure out how the thing works, but it does wonders once you get the hang of it.
Don't do a mass change until you know what you're doing!!! Use a backup file the first few times, too. It's great for changing AC-DC or ACDC to AC/DC for the album name of every track you have, since Windows won't allow you to put that slash in the filename.

It worked well for the 'o' and 'u' in "Mötley Crüe" correct.
(Is Empeg going to display those two character correctly?) As an aside, I had thought of putting the album cover into the picture, but there's no use for it and would've just made all my files an extra 500k or so. ALTHOUGH... if Empeg could display that picture... HMMM... nah, let's get VR working first.

Overall, the key in my mind is to get your filenames correct. Once you have that, you'll be able to mass set the ID3v2 tags using one of the above programs. I only set album and artist in the filenames, but you could easily adapt catagory, track #, etc. for similar results.