This one has shell output again, when you try to load routes.

Okay, I put that file in place, started it from the shell, then exited back into the player app so I could select GPSapp from the Hijack menu:

    empeg:/empeg/bin# /drive0/var/gpsapp/gpsapp
    empeg:/empeg/bin# GPS app started
    Shell exit
    Starting player

    player.cpp : 385:empeg-car 2.00-rc1 2003/01/15.
    Prolux 4 empeg car - 2.1434 Jan 15 2003
    Vcb: 0x4054d000
    hijack: removed menu entry: "GPSapp"

And I selected "Load Route" from the player's front panel, and it said "no routes found", and I got NOTHING on the serial port. Nothing at all. Only what you see above.
Tony Fabris