Yuppers, can, assuming your linker knows about it, and yoiu're linking correctly.
(Do it in my stuff for work alla time. And I don't even consider myself a 'programmer'.)

Yeah, id3lib has a slick C wrapper around its C++ innards. Real nice, though they should have just implemented it in C to begin with. C++ is a steaming pile of dog poo. ("Tell us how you really feel, Tony.")

Anyway, I made a good amount of progress on the first half of the ID3v2 SYLT portion of the program, which is the part that adds the synced lyrics to your MP3's. It's basically taking LRC format lyrics (like the ones the aforementioned WinAMP plugin uses) and puts together the ID3 frame, which id3lib then adds to the MP3. Believe it or not, it looks like it's actually working. I need to error-check the parsing of the input LRC, but right now, the id3info program is telling me that my program is creating a valid SYLT frame:

[root@spaz lyrics]# id3info test.mp3

*** Tag information for test.mp3
=== TSIZ (Size): 4821577
=== TCON (Content type): Alternative
=== TIT2 (Title/songname/content description): Smells Like Teen Spirit
=== SYLT (Synchronized lyric/text): (test)[eng]: Text transcription
Load up on guns and bring your friends [34000 ms]
It's fun to lose and to pretend [38000 ms]
She's over bored and self assured [42000 ms]
Oh no, I know a dirty word [47000 ms]
And I forget just why I taste [214000 ms]
Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile [218000 ms]
I found it hard, it was hard to find [222000 ms]
Oh well, whatever, nevermind [227000 ms]
=== TPE1 (Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)): Nirvana


The SYLT frame can take timestamps in either MPEG frames or milliseconds. I chose milliseconds, since those are much easier to compare to seconds than MPEG frames are.

Next step is to clean this thing up, including modifying it to handle LRC lines with multiple timestamps on them (lyrics that are repeated at two or more times in the song.) Then I'll work on modifying Patrick's lyrics viewer to pull the lyrics from the SYLT frame instead of the Lyrics3 tag. After that, maybe I'll flex my Windows programming muscles a little bit and break off a little GUI thing to add time tags to untimed lyrics. I'll keep y'all posted.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff