Porsche WAS one of the few car companies in the world that never lost focus. Are we a luxury brand? Are we a sports brand? Are we into racing? Out of racing? What's next, a 2-seat Jeep roadster?

Porsche always kept to the original concept for the brand until now. Oh, and the photos look ugly as heck too. When I saw one at the Detroit Auto Show, I wasn't impressed either.

EDIT: VW is also losing focus, but not as bad. The original theme for VW was offering an affordable car to the masses. Now with the W8 Passat, they are head to head with their sister-brand Audi. The Toureg doesn't have that problem, but that much money for a VW??

In reply to:

No, I agree 100%. I mean, what's next, a Ferrari tractor?

A bit of trivia, Lamborgini started out as a tractor builder. His business did quite well and he was able to buy a Ferrari. Upon meeting the owner of Ferrari, he complained that it could perform a little better. Ferrari said "well maybe you don't deserve to drive a Ferrari if you don't appreciate it." So Lamborgini then sought out to "out Ferrari" Ferrari by building his own super car.

Edited by SE_Sport_Driver (10/03/2003 13:46)
Brad B.