I don't see a problem with not allowing companies from countries that did not support the war to participate in the re-building process. Re-building is a means for boosting the re-building country's economy while simultaneously solidifying the dependency of the re-built country on the re-builder's resources. Countries that participate in the re-building process stand to gain enormously and those countries that currently are not supporting the war are well aware of this fact. This is why they're raising such a stink with the UN. In my opinion, however - if those countries want to reap the benefits of the re-build then they need to fork up. They can't expect to get something for nothing.

I certainly do hope, however, that when it comes time to rebuild that the US does include other coalition countries accordingly. That would only be fair.

- trs

(I also hope the grammar police don't cite me for this terribly awkward post )
- trs