Quoting from the article:
In reply to:

"CDMA is widely recognised as technically superior to European GSM technology. If the US Government deploys US-developed CDMA in Iraq, then American companies will manufacture most of the necessary equipment,"

Can someone confirm whether CDMA is actually technically superior? I thought it was inferior because it couldn't pass data as well as voice, or summat like that. Certainly my inability to send a text message to a CDMA phone would argue that it's not the wonder-technology these politicians like to think it is.

If there's one thing that really gets me angry about politicians, it's the way some of them comment on things they wouldn't have a clue about as if they're the new world expert on it. How many science ministers actually have science degrees? (Gareth Evans, former Australian minister for Science, did, but he's the only case I know of).

Overall this is the sort of thing that I expected to come out of the 'war on Iraq'. Not liberation - look what happened to Afghanistan. Just monetary interests being served.

Paul the Cynical
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