My point was it seems the harshest criticism of the US's policy on this board is from US citizens. Lopan's complaint was directed at nonUS people on the board and to be fair, a fair amount of it is from US citizens.

I guess that perhaps the fact that the harshest criticism comes from US citizens is maybe something we should feel good about, yes? Otherwise we'd be griping about how all the criticism comes from those bloody people in (FILL IN SOME OTHER COUNTRY) . I appreciate that your post says "criticism of US policy" as I like to think that we can maintain a distinction between criticism of the country and many swell people as opposed to criticism of (some of) our policies.

Actually, I am personally satisfied if more of the criticism is internal -- would rather feel that we are thrashing our problems out "in the family", so to speak....but it doesn't always work out so neatly.

I really appreciate the diverse, sometime contrary opinions on this BBS. Funny, though, if you took a big map of the world and started to stick pins in it (particularly on a prorated-per-post basis) the pin pattern on the map might start to look like the legacy of the British Empire. U.S., U.K. Canada and "Commonwealth Nations" (Australia, New Zealand). Sure, there's more. The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Switzerland, Sweden (and who am I forgetting???) in Europe and we have seen posts from Brazil, but Bonzi's dispatches from Croatia probably come the closest to someplace "on the edge" - a part of the world that has experienced serious strife.

Not exactly sure where I am going here except to suggest that if this BBS was somehow magically transformed to be truly representative of the diverse opinions of the world, I would bet that there would be a hell of a lot more people on the BBS, for better or worse, crying out about the evil deeds of the US. It would probably be a very difficult place for people from the US to hang out. Me included.

As it is, I can take some of the "anti" chiding and ribbing on the BBS in stride, knowing that most of the folks who throw those darts identify with the ideals that we espouse *in priciple*, have been here and enjoyed their time here, and are inclined to very friendly discourse with us.

I don't want to be too coy. When you say "harshest critics", I am guessing (and without any feeling of acrimony) that you *could*!

For what it is worth, just a little confession (or confessions):

On the several occasions that I have seen "Saving Private Ryan", I get horribly choked up when the elder Ryan insists to Mrs. Ryan "Tell me I was good man." Spielberg hit his mark. When we walk down the street and see a frail, gray-haired man in his 80s, we should prepare some respect and consider what simple virtues that old "geezer" may have suffered to defend and what evils their brother may have died to defeat.

Likewise the paean of "Band of Brothers". The figure of citizen soldier Dick Winters (since returned to tending pastures in Pennsylvania) is one that I find simply awe-inspiring.

I guess my problem is that I am afraid that our country has become suffused with a certain (bring up John Williams soundtrack here) Band of Brothers imagery and self-righteousness....that whatever the 101st Airborne is engaged to do ....must be the right thing. Other history since the drop on Normandy (Vietnam, overthrow of Allende, other adventures) gets less press in the collective consciousness.

There's certainly more to it than that. There's no denying that I see fundamental disagreements with most members of our current administration. It is true, there's little that Bush and Company could do that I would not be likely to criticize...because I think I have a very different view of our proper course and because a lot of what they pursue I find to be downright scary. Sooooo, when they formulate a laundry list of rationales for war, I am skeptical.

Anyhow, I am positively *thrilled* that I live in a country where I can take issue with our "leaders" and not get stood up against the wall and shot. I would say that, whenever we get a little tired of people bitching about the US, about France, or about the UK, or about whatever, maybe we should just kick back a bit and think "Hey, isn't it great that that disagreeable SOB didn't get stood up against the wall and shot?"

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.