I guess... sorry to snap like that, it just gets old.... This is probably one of my favorite places on the web. Recently I haven't been able to check the boards without someone flaming the US... Sorry guys it's a great place compared to most other places. I visited Ireland recently, I loved it... everywhere I went I saw posters for guiness beer, most of the bars I went to, the servers would say "Have ya tried the guiness?" yes, and it's great. You don't see me getting pissed when I find guiness in every liquor store or bar I go to? I fail to see eye to eye on most of the anti US arguments, the arguments most people have are about our corporations?? So because our businesses are more global we're a bunch of jerks? Last time I checked corporations were supposed to be successful? I'm sure if your country's businesses succeeded in expanding accross the globe you wouldn't have a problem with it, you might even be proud. Or maybe we suck because our tourists are rude? Last time I checked most tourists from EVERY place in the world are annoying.... Then it comes to foreign policy, yeah, we push ours on others... sometimes I wish we didn't and then I think... if not us who? certainly not the French... I mean jesus, Hussein is over there gassing his own, torturing and in general being the worlds equivalent of a 2 year old on a rampage, but the US is terrible for doing something about it... Then we're jerks because we want to make some of the money back we've lost over stepping up and doing something about the problem (instead of sitting on our butts doing nothing like the rest of the world.. excluding our allies) by trying to rebuild Iraq with american resources. Sorry.... don't see that argument either.

I realize the US is hated by the rest of the world, I think the reasons for this are frickin childish but theres nothing I can personally do about it.

A lot of us on the board are decent people that live in the US. And some of us get pissed after repeated jabs about our country. I'm not even that patriotic and it's getting on my nerves, it become common place to slam the US.

Let me ask you this, if I walked into your home looked at your surroundings and said "wow your house sucks"... would you be offended?
Brett 60Gb MK2a with Led's