That game actually did scare me a few times.
That said, did you ever play "Alone in the dark" ? That one probably scared me the most up 'till now.
Actually I can still vividly remember the first time a game spooked me. It wasn't so much because of the game but because of the sound of the game.
See, I was playing "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" and I had borrowed a Sounblaster card from a friend. At that time those cards were still pretty costly and I couldn't afford one myself. This was the first time I ever played a game with more or less "realistic" sound instead of the beeps and bleeps my computer normally would make.
So I enjoyed the game AND enjoyed the sound. And because of the novelty of the great sound quality I had the speakers cranked up pretty loud.
Then I came to the scene in which Indy opened up the coffin of the dead knight (in which he found the stone tablet)
That scene was accompanied by a *very* creepy sound and because I've turned the volume up so loud I got quite a scare.
I jumped up, the chair I was sitting on flipped over backwards, I lost my balance and landed with the back of my head against the border of a closet that was standing behind me. Blood everywhere, not pretty.
I'll never forget the thing my dad said about it : "so that's progress then?" (what did he know?

My head hurt like hell for three days. Ouch.