"If you're not with it enough to notice your exit early enough to make it safely then perhaps you shouldn't be driving at all. "
Perhaps you shouldn't wear a blue wig.

Whatever! In a strange city running very tight for a meeting and realizing, 'oh crap, there's the exit' there's not a lot of time for deliberation. The pothole in question was also 4 feet wide, a bit tough to miss on a 1 lane exit ramp. I'm _sure_ nobody _here_ drives too fast somtimes. All I'm saying is that premature ABS firing is spooky as hell. [/ranting]
BTW: I drive 120 miles per day to/from work in central NH over a highway with a 1200' elevation gain/loss frequently over the rain/ice/snow line. It's a little slippery in winter time. I regularly rely on my safety systems (steering wheel, brake pedal and accelerator) to help me keep control of the car.