Yes, definately a great thank you to all that showed up this year!
Also a very big thank you to Rob and Merrigan for putting up with us (hopefully your neighbours won't be too mad for too long...), and an extra one to Merrigan for providing the delicious Saturday lunch buffet and the accessories to the BBQ.
As the two years in a row Best Self Install winner I just didn't know what to say at the time, but: it means a lot to me that people liked it enough to vote for it. There were a lot of good installs to choose between, I know I had a hard time to cast my vote... (and no, I didn't vote for myself

) Thank you!
I'd also like to say a special thanks to Patrick (aka God) who, as always, gave a great presentation (" I had to develop
this" [digging into a bag for another little electronic gizmo] ). For you that weren't there: a system for stereoscopic remote viewing, ultimately intended to go into a RC plane, giving you the "in-cockpit view" of the world, with superimposed display of aircraft attitude and some instrument readings.
The technology demonstrator (RC monster truck) was impressive - and fun!