I'm usually absolutely horrible with names, but for posterity's sake, I'm going to try my hand at starting a list with the names of the people I can make out in the picture (and their handles if it's not obvious).
Feel free to help fill in the question marks!
Forth row: Julf, Andy (marria01), ?, Chris (christian), Steve (SteveH), Mike (mtempsch), ?, ?.
Third row: Tony and Rachel and Jenny, ?, Erin and Alvin (Mach), ? and Melkon (crazymelki), John (johnmcd3), Pim.
Second row: Thomas (speedy67), Rob V., Rolf (rowitch), Roger, ?, ? and ?, Sven, Hugo and Clare, Jim (jimhogan), ? and ?, ?, Tim (303), Rob R. (robricc), Godfrey (boxer).
First row: ?, The Lord and God Almighty... I mean Mark and Patrick, Derek, Paul (thinforth2) and his father George (The_old_one), ?, John G., Henrick (h_blake).
Lying: Rob Schofield (who else!

P.S. Profound apologies in advance for any misspellings or other inaccuracies.