By which I assume you mean that schools actively teach non-accented pronunciation

From 4 to 11, when I went to boarding school until I was 18, how you pronounced English was, as important to the curriculum as how you wrote it.
If you arrived at boarding school with a trace of a regional accent, your parents were advised to send you for elocution lessons - I felt really sorry for all those guys from Kenya and Rhodesia etc. who had to go to classes when they could usefully be smoking in a hedgrow!
Mrs.Boxer and the Boxette still go into apoplexies when I say: "Have you got a tahl, I want to take a shah"
Yes, I am a man of Kent, Peter, who has lived in Yorkshire since '72, regrettably, you are as likely to hear estuary English in Leeds or Harrogate, as in the SE, these days.

Edited by boxer (29/10/2003 12:03)
Politics and Ideology: Not my bag