Tony, you may have hit the problem on the head.

I have already tried pretty much just what you suggested with different values for my IPs.. but here is where there is a difference.

For whatever reason, my ethernet card shows up twice in my Network Properties. In other words, my computer thinks that there are 2 cards. When I remove the 2nd (presumably uneeded card) from the properties, the system finds it and re-adds it when I reboot.

Since it thinks I have 2 cards, I also have 2 TCP/IP protocols. Well, in reality I have a couple more bound to normal things like Dial Up Networking, etc. but those should have no effect on my problem here.

My DSL works fine under these conditions, I am using it now as I type this. Maybe I need to figure out how to get Win98 to only see the card once before I continue?


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