Before i was about 21 or 22, i would have been wholeheartedly agreed with you CustomSex. I wnt through my entire life up until then on a huge kick about how escapist and bullshit drugs and drinking are, and i just couldn't get it. I didn't understand why people would want to numb themselves to reality. I thought it was weak. I never had a drink until my 21st birthday... and then only one and it was a huge deal to me.

Looking back, I have a clearer view of why i thought that way. It was a combination of a few things. First, fear of loss of control.
Second, fear of addiction or dependency.
Third, there's some superiority one feels in holding ones beliefs above others as stronger and more "right".
Fourth, i hated what i saw when people were drunk. People acting retarded, not like themselves, using it as an excuse to be a certain way or do certain things and thinking it was cool. That was probably the biggy, not wanting to ever act like "them"... whoever that was. Not wanting to NEED it to have fun.
Lastly, after seeing how people felt after getting loaded, the following day... i didn't get it. I didn't understand knowingly doing that to yourself... knowing how you'd feel the next day. Which is why when i do drink now, it's never to the point of drunken stupor or hangover.
Oh yeah... then there was the whole alchohol tasting like [censored] issue... but that was pure naivete. I still hate beer though. =]

As i got older i met more and more people who drank, but weren't retarded about it. People who didn't need to drink to have fun, but would sometimes kick back and responsibly drink. Over the years i realized it wasn't this horrible monster that defined you or made you a certain way, and could be enjoyed in moderation and responsibly. People who can only have fun by drinking still irk me, but i'm getting over it. I realized more and more it was a superiority thing for me. That didn't change all the things i still felt were wrong about it, but it sure felt good to think i was better than the masses because i could resist the drink. I'm way over that now.

Anyhow... just thought i might point out how i came to the point i'm at now from a similar view point to yours. I'm not a regular drinker, and i pretty much hate bars, but every once in a while i'll partake and do so for fun with friends. I guess i'm saying... explore the reasons you feel the way you do... moreso that just the logical and reactionary ones posted above... there's probably more to it than that.

I've still never done an illegal drug in my life mostly for the same reasons. I think i'm just stubborn about it now...hahah.

Heh... i see Matt had the same ideas too. I would wager you'll change your tune with age. It's happened to every straight edger i've ever known. This reminds me of one of my favorite comics ever... i'll see if i can find it..

Edited by loren (02/12/2003 15:47)
|| loren ||