I'll attest to the fact that Gamecube, while kid-oriented for the first bit of time it was out, is not anymore. Besides, many of those games would appeal to you as well.

Personally, I don't regret buying it one iota, and I got it at the $150 price.

Here's some of my selling points about it:
-it's tiny
-the controller is absolutely fantastic
-the Gamecube has the absolute best wireless controller available
-first-party games like Metroid Prime, Mario Kart, Super Mario Sunshine, and Zelda: Wind Waker (one of the best-looking games of the year)
-Resident Evil, completely graphics-overhauled for the Gamecube (it's much prettier now)
-easier to play 4 player games than the PS2
-cheaper than the others (as already stated)

I'm sure there are more good points, but those are all I can think of right now. I can tell you, without a doubt, that the Gamecube is pure fun, especially with friends. Nintendo has focused (much to my delight), on enjoyable gameplay. This has resulted, however, in what many people see as its greatest flaw: a lack of online connectivity.

But for people like me, who have zero interest in playing online, this has resulted in one of the most enjoyable consoles in my memory (possibly only second to SNES).