I agree with your points for the most part. I can't stand playing the GTA games on consoles. Pretty much any game that imerses you into a 3D world with free reign and requires targeting is going to suck on consoles.

However, there are plenty of exceptions. I find that many platformers do fine on consoles. Zelda was fine, and required little targetting, and Prince of Persia mostly suffered from bad automatic camera angles. The camera was usually pretty easy to move on your own.

But on the most part, there is no substitute for a mouse. And I agree, every FPS I've seen is hell on a console, but I don't play those anyway.

In contrary to all this, I also say that there are plenty of games that play better with a console controller. Fighting games have no need for keyboards, IMO, and when companies put a lot of thought into their controllers (like Nintendo), it's much nicer to have that natural feel when beating on people in Soul Caliber 2. Plus, most platformers (as Tony has said in the past in defence of the GC controller) require only a primary button and a few secondaries.

I must disagree, though, on your statement about PC controllers. Every gamepad that I've tried out in stores has felt horrible to me. Cheap quality, awkward, ugly, and generally of very poor design. And they're expensive. I ended up with the generic Sidewinder.

I also agree with the second point you were discussing. I love not having to mess with things to get a game to work properly. Every time I want to play the GTA games on my PC system, for example, I have to uninstall Logitech's mouse software, and go into Windows mouse controls and adjust the motion speed. Then when I stop playing, I have to change the speed again and reinstall the software, all because they couldn't fix a bug that only appeared on a few people's system where the in-game mouse sensitivity didn't effect the Y-axis as well as the X. That just sucks.