Perhaps i have an other level of feeling offended, i don't know if it's me in person or because i belong to an other culture, but it takes a lot to make me feel attacked just by words. Words typed by someone i don't know personally. Would be something different, if those words came from someone i met and know at least a little bit.

i had pretty much this same thought typed up, but i closed it before i posted. it wasnt stated in as nice language as you have managed to.

i feel that, if someone is truely offended by words used on this board, speak up. but... only do so if they hit home to you. 'mommy, that man said ass.'
if you are a 'raghead' or a 'gook' (i use the terms as they were presented by others. as a personal thing, i never use derogatory words of racism except against myself) and you take offense to being called such, speak up. if you are not the one being talked about, or you dont feel as if you could be who he is talking about, let it go. look what this has turned into.