Don't be worried about the hotels over here, they are plentiful and in good supply. The hotel for the event has 35 rooms booked, and we can expand this. There will be a booking form going up sometime soon.

As for Amsterdam: I I compare it to NYC, then I would say that there is no great difference since it is just another big city. The biggest problem about Amsterdam is getting out of the railway station the first time you arrive without being approached by pimps, drug dealers, room shoppers, all the rest. However, if you just keep your head down and keep walking, and don't stand there and go "WOW!" as you walk through the exit, you should be OK. I can recommend a small, low price hotel in the centre which is economical but clean, over a bar (excellent!) and literally right in the middle of things. Let me know if you would be interested: however, given the cost of rail travel and good trains here, you may as well just stay for extra days in Amersfoort!

Anyone interested in hotels in Amsterdam, please let me know via PM towards the end of April, please, no earlier.
One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015