I've received a lot of feedback and corrected some issues. I'm still waiting for further feedback from a coule of people before changing status from "alpha" to "released" (no apparent need for betas). The latest delivery (1:50 am EST 4/20/04) now includes Scaled Window Content when in Full Screen. So if you have a 1024x768 display (common for a car), the full-screen mode will look nice and scaled rather than occupying only the top left 640x480 with info.

Featurewise, the first release of EMSC will consist of what is now available and described at http://strobos.cee.vt.edu/EMSC . I will really like to correct any errors that may still remain, but do not want to get into issues related to version 3.0 alpha of the car player software. So please let me know of any issues that have not already been addressed with the latest available version.

The following are the target features for the next version:

1) User-configurable named screen layouts, which can be activated dynamically. Right now there is only one layout to choose from, and it is permanently shown.

2) Support for the equivalent of Flags & Filters, except that these will be dynamically changeable from EMS&C.. "Marked" will work by simply creating a "Marked" Flag, and setting this flag on/off for tracks when you are listening to them.

3) Ability to refine the current running order by using criteria similar to those of searches (in addition to Empeg-Like flags and filters).

4) Ability to see detailed track info (VBR rate, codec, etc)

5) Maybe: supoort for mouse operation for compatibility with touch-screen displays. (I don't have a touchscreen so motivation is low.....)

This whole project should in time (not too long) result in something that will make any Empeger using a car computer very very happy.... Suggestions for the next version in addition to those listed above are very welcome....