Hi Tony,
I've had luck using Ghost software to duplicate a smaller hard drive over to a larger hard drive. In fact, Ghost even uses up the additional disk space by making the largest partition "take up the slack", which is what you want.

I have a special older PC with Ghost installed and removable hard drive bays. I come along with a couple of drives to copy and just plug them in and "Ghost" one to the other....

I don't know of any way to accomplish what you're trying to do....I hope that helps....

If you can't figure out a work-around, I'd be happy to do the duplication on my setup and ship the drives back to you....

Happy owner of 2 Centrals, 2 Empegs Mk2a 160GB, 1 Empeg Mk2a 60 GB, a Rio Riot, 4 Rio Receivers, and two 1GB iPod Shuffles...