I have Comcast cable where I live. they keep pushing us to try their digital cable. they keep removing good channels from the basic cable so eventually will have to go to digital. If I had a single tivo could I record one channel while watching another? Or do I need two for that? I noticed alot of sites about how easy it is to upgrade the tivo. That was a big selling point for me. buy the cheaper one and upgrade it my self. I do have a wireless network so the linksys wusb11 would be the way I would go. was going to ask about that next.

From what i have read the tivo can only handle 160gig drives except for the direct tv one i believe. Is this true? Thanks again everyone for your insight. this is very helpful.
Modifying and Tweaking is a journey,
not a destination................................
MKIIa : 60gig - 040103286 - Blue - v2 + PCATS tuner
MKIIa : 20gig - 040103260 - Blue - v3a8 + Mark Lord Special Edition Cherry Dock