I've blown tons of strings in concerts, and usually the issue is more tuning than not being able to hit the notes. Of course, I do more strumming than soloing, so I only have to compensate in a few places. But the tuning, that'll kill ya.

Oooh, good point. I didn't really think about that.
With a violin, a good violinist could compensate for the tuning mismatch by ear.
With a guitar (especially one with a floating bridge), you're in for a world of hurt unless you're one of the extremely rare breed of people playing fretless -- in which case your outstanding musicianship isn't in question anyway.

I saw a guitar competition TV show where one of the contestants was playing a fretless guitar. Impressive! I doubt most humans could play in-tune chords on one of these things, but he made it look easy.

Fortunately, I have yet to break a string while performing.
But I know the day will come, and I'm not looking forward to it.
On the other hand, I'm not good enough on guitar to be front-and-center, so probably no one would notice. Or so I tell myself.