To be honest, the show sucks much less in the last year or so than it has for a long time. They've gotten rid of most of their terribly unfunny performers (Ana Gasteyer, Chris Kattan, Cheri Oteri, Colin Quinn, Molly Shannon, and Will Ferrell except the occasions where he was really funny) and the writing is a little more solid than it used to be. Gone seem the days where they'd have a 30 second joke and drag it out for seven minutes.

That's all very true. I couldn't stand Molly Shannon and her "characters." I think that the cast members you mentioned could have been funnier, but I think they took their skit-long characters and turned them into repeat appearances. I felt as if they were going after a type of comedy that had the single purpose of actively annoying me. Cheri Oteri had the knack of doing exactly that.

I know it's all subjective, but I think Amy Poehler was the best addition to the show. She's hilarious (at least on UCB), but I don't know how she's been on SNL since I don't watch the show anymore. Too bad Comedy Central has even stopped showing the old shows these days.